Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I had invited a friend with me to church this morning but she had to work.

She was quite upset about having to work, actually, because she said that she doesn't like to miss Mass. She ranted that her boss is Catholic and several co-workers are Catholic and that they should all know that she has to go to church. I thought to tell her that Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation and that she is not required to attend Mass but she seemed so frustrated that I didn't think that fact would matter. Some people like going even if they don't have to.

So, there were only about thirty people or so in the church at the 9AM service. Fr. Mike greeted us with a "you know, you aren't obligated to be here this morning. Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation." And, you know what, nobody left. I was quite surprised. I figured someone would walk out at that point. No, everyone stayed put. Unless they snuck out later, during the service, unnoticed to all except Fr. Mike. We like services where we "get" things: ashes, palms, candles.

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