Friday, March 24, 2006

Two references to Nietzsche in Garry Wills's book What Jesus Meant:

(1) "Nietzsche, a trained classicist, said that if God wrote the New Testament, he knew surprisingly little Greek."

(2) Quoting Romano Guardini's The Humanity of Christ, which I found online here, of all places: "either he [Jesus] is deranged, as Nietzsche became in Turin in 1888 ...

My husband laughed aloud heartily at the first quotation. The comment does reveal a fundamentalist understanding of inspiration which my husband would undoubtedly share if he believed.

On the second point, Jeff asked me whether the Shroud was at Turin / Torino at this time and I answered that I thought it was. And I don't think it would be appropriate to believe that God smote Nietzsche -- but it is a very unfortunate ending.

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